Davis Family YMCA Memberships

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If you have further questions or believe you are eligible for other memberships, please visit either of our two locations. Join the Y in the month of April and the Joining Fee equals the day of the month! Use promo code PAYTHEDAY to save today!

NameJoining FeeRecurring
Individual member (21 - 64 years of age)
$ 50.00 $ 55.00 / monthly
Two adults plus dependents living in the household through the age of 24.
$ 90.00 $ 93.00 / monthly
Program Member
Program memberships are for those who wish to register for a program, but are not looking to join the YMCA as a paying member. There is no fee associated with the Program membership, but the fees associated with programs are generally higher than for those who have a YMCA membership.
$ 0.00 FREE
Single Parent Household
One adult plus legal dependents living in the household through the age of 24.
$ 90.00 $ 80.00 / monthly
Individuals through age 20 (21-24 if full-time undergraduate student)
$ 30.00 $ 32.50 / monthly